
Accreditation means trust, credibility and a customer-oriented approach.
The technical and management capabilities of our Laboratory have been recognised through its accreditation in the human and animal nutrition areas, in compliance with the NP EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 Standard – General Competence Requirements for Testing and Calibration Laboratories, as granted by the Portuguese Institute for Accreditation.

The Laboratory also boasts a Global Flexible accreditation, which brings added value to our clients. By expanding the scope of our accreditation to include new products, analytical methods and regulations, this modality allows us to adapt our test methods in a timely manner, according to the needs of our clients.
Our Laboratory is strongly focused on the most advanced techniques, specialised human resources and the accreditation of a wide diversity of methods.
Find out more about our accreditation and accredited tests:

Credibility is our distinctive element

We invest on official recognition of our services

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