Improving feed efficiency
The VivActiv’® range of natural additives is characterised by its triple action: protein protection, improvement of the rumen microflora and stimulation of intestinal enzyme secretion. These additives improve the productive performance of dairy cows, fattening cattle, calves, goats and sheep, thus allowing significant savings. All formulations contain plant extracts, essential oils, metal salts and sugars, representing a natural alternative to conventional protein protection techniques.
This range includes several additives, namely, RUMIVIV®SE, Amiviv’®SETurboviv’SE and VivActiv’®Junior, which improve feed efficiency when used with diets rich in fibre and fats or starch.

Objectives: improving feed efficiency and rumen function.
Results: effective protein protection (-3 to -5% nitrogen emissions).
Regulation of gastrointestinal microbiota
The VivActiv’® range of natural additives is characterised by its triple action: protein protection, improvement of the rumen microflora and stimulation of intestinal enzyme secretion. These additives improve the productive performance of dairy cows, fattening cattle, calves, goats and sheep, thus allowing significant savings. All formulations contain plant extracts, essential oils, metal salts and sugars, representing a natural alternative to conventional protein protection techniques.
This range includes several additives, namely, RUMIVIV®SE, Amiviv’®SETurboviv’SE and VivActiv’®Junior, which improve feed efficiency when used with diets rich in fibre and fats or starch.

Objectives: improving feed efficiency and rumen function.
Results: effective protein protection (-3 to -5% nitrogen emissions).
Improving health and performance
Mycotoxin risk management

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